The documentary Died Suddenly has close to ten million views on Rumble. This one definitely went viral! It put together a compelling argument for the danger of experimental MRNA covid vaccines; the most rivetting part in my mind being the discussion by embalmers of long fibrous clots found in the bodies of the newly deceased.
The fact that so many different embalmers are seeing these strange-looking clots is certainly a major cause for alarm. Not normal! It’s like we were watching a scene from an Eli Roth film! (Incidentally, for the skeptics out there, this paper, published in August 2021, seems to explain why these clots are forming.)
Died Suddenly has increased awareness of the danger of these ‘vaccines.’ Yes it has it’s flaws, and Stew Peters sometimes could do more fact-checking, but the critical matter at this juncture is getting the word out about these poisonous shots, particularly in the age of Omicron where covid is no longer a significant health threat.
All that being said, there are two other videos on vaccines I really think everyone should watch. These two are particularly interesting because they seem to highlight overlapping issues in THE MAJORITY OF VACCINES…but from different angles.
The first of these Trace Amounts can be watched for free on Vimeo here. The 2014 film covers the likely harms of Thimerosal (ethyl mercury) in vaccines. Thimerosal is unnecessarily used in numerous vaccines as a preservative and caused the filmmaker, Eric Gladen, to endure a whole range of horrors after a tetanus shot.
As Frank Langley, a Ph.d. and Chair of Microbiology at Univ. Of Missouri says in the documentary Thimerosal is toxic at a level of not GRAMS, NOT MICROGRAMS, but NANOGRAMS!
What is great about this documentary is it shows how the FDA, CDC, and the whole medical establishment have looked past thousands of studies showing that Thimerosal is dangerous. They continue to allow its use in numerous vaccines despite obvious deleterious health impacts. As the filmmaker points out, the use of Thimerosal is based on it being the cheapest; in other words, this has “nothing to do with the greater good but everything to do with the greater greed.” (Incidentally, as the FDA chart below shows Thimerosal is even used today in numerous FLU SHOTS!)
The other reason this documentary is so important is similar to the reason I found the Hulu show Dopesick so compelling…it establishes a long-standing pattern of government malfeasance. (More about Dopesick here.)
The current covid vacccine calamnity can only be fully understood in the context of totally corrupt regulatory agencies that have been engaging in criminal acts for decades….AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT. This is the key part…THEY ALWAYS GET AWAY WITH IT. The devestation has continued to the point of absurdity with the covid vaccines, which should have been pulled January 2021.
The other really interesting video is Are You Crooked? by Forrest Maready. Watch it here. This 2 hour video describes how crooked faces are a common link between numerous conditions: Autism, Alzheimer's, Autoimmune diseases, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's. What makes this video so interesting is it points out a possible mechanism for some of the vaccine injuries highlighted in Trace Amounts.
For instance in Trace Amounts, the huge rise in Autism, from less than 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 30 is tracked in detail. It is suggested that Thimerosal (ethyl mercury) could be a culprit…yet the exact mechanism of action is not highlighted. Forrest is a sleuth of sorts who is able to put pieces of a puzzle together.
In his view what is happening is toxins from the vaccine—aluminum, mercury etc.—may be collecting in parts of the brain that control facial movements, hence leading to facial paralysis (bell’s palsy, ramsay hunt etc.), and, more to the point, cause more long-standing issues. Why?
Forrest argues the body can eliminate toxins much more easily when digested. When injected into the bloodstream the body has no way to easily rid itself of these poisons. This may set off long-standing nuerological or auto-immune problems—both of which are on the rise—since the body activates the white blood cells to rid itself of these toxins but is not able to effectively do so.
Forrest explains his idea in greater detail and with added clarity but this is a brief synopsis. Again, I found this all fascinating, particulary in light of the current MRNA covid vaccine program, where someone like Justin Bieber got Ramsay Hunt or someone like Andrew Dice Clay got Bell’s Palsy.
What is going on? Are vaccines really ‘safe and effective?’ After watching the above videos I feel incredibly thankful I skipped the covid vaccines. And I’m definitely grateful to not be on my twelfth booster and STILL COMING DOWN WITH COVID. WHAT A HORROR! Do you agree?
If you enjoyed Shot O, you might like my humor book, Do Not Feed The Clown. Thanks!