Moderna CEO Says Fourth Shot Needed
Should The Unvaccinated Take The First Three Shots That Don't Work Or Skip Ahead To The Fourth That Also Won't Work?
A few days ago the Moderna CEO, Stéphane Bancel, a French billionaire without any real scientific background, announced a fourth dose will soon be needed. Amazingly, all the news sites covered it AS IF AN EMPIRICAL FACT.
I read a half dozen articles reviewing the matter and none demonstrated even THE SLIGHTEST HINT OF SKEPTICISM. Certainly you would think that as journalists they’d seek out a balanced perspective, no? Ask a range of immunologists and vaccinologists THEIR OPINION?
That would seem slightly more relevant than the opinion OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE PRODUCT. No! They’d rather parrot the opinion of the guy WHO PROFITS MOST HANDSOMELY FROM THE PRODUCT HE’S PITCHING!
If you go to a surgeon and ask if you need a surgery, nine times out of ten he’ll say ABSOLUTELY. If you go to a car mechanic and ask if your vehicle needs repairs— guess what?—it’s in the shop for a week. OF COURSE BANCEL SAYS A FOURTH BOOSTER SHOT IS NEEDED. WHAT KIND OF MENTAL MIDGET TRIES TO DECREASE HIS OWN SALES?
The only commercial product Moderna is selling ARE THESE VACCINES. The Moderna CEO doesn’t need to be John Nash to realize making quarterly profit projections depends not just on a fourth shot but on a FIFTH AND A SIXTH AND A FOUR-THOUSAND-SEVEN-HUNDRED-AND-EIGHTY-NINTH. Bancel will keep playing this game SO LONG AS HE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT.
What’s sickening is the way the entire legacy media IS IN THE TANK FOR MODERNA. There is virtually no real journalism anymore, particularly from traditional outlets. What we obtain is PROPOGANDA through THE TRUSTED NEWS INTIATIVE. (Can anything be trusted less than a group of media outlets that deem themselves trusted?) The way all these outlets parrot the same message, independent of the faintest trace of skepticism, is proof that the whole thing is a sham—a sham that makes Bancel and his partners insanely rich.
What is the average unvaccinated person to make of all this? Are we supposed to take THE FIRST THREE SHOTS THAT DON’T WORK, or can we skip ahead TO THE FOURTH THAT ALSO WON’T WORK? I’m not exaggerating. This is an insane situation you’d expect from an Antonin Artaud play. For at the same time Bancel is pitching the necessity of a FOURTH SHOT, there is a wide-range of information PROVING THESE INJECTIONS HAVE NEGATIVE EFFICACY!
In a recent article, for example, The Daily Skeptic mentions a pre-print study from Denmark indicating “a vaccine effectiveness against the Omicron variant of minus-76.5% for Pfizer and minus-39.3% for Moderna three months after double vaccination.” Meanwhile, a UK Coronavirus Infection study suggests getting vaccinated DOUBLES THE RISK OF INFECTION. That’s not even the worst of it. A study by ONS (Office Of National Statistics) in the U.K. posits “triple-vaccinated individuals are 4.5 more likely to test positive for Omicron than unvaccinated individuals.” 4.5 times more likely to test positive! INSANE!
Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze has produced an excellent summary of the data. Suffice it to say there is now considerable evidence for NEGATIVE EFFICACY from these products, and not just in Denmark and the U.K. but in Israel and Ontario too. Clearly, we’ve reached a point where these clot shots leave you LESS PROTECTED AGAINST THE VIRUS THAN THE UVACCINATED BY AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE!
Interestingly enough, considerable epidemiological evidence supports the above. Take New York City. 82.5% of New York City is vaccinated and it has some of the strictest U.S. mandates. The unvaccinated cannot enter restaurants, go to concerts or bars, or even use the gym. There is a city-wide mask mandate. Plus, many of the unjabbed were fired from jobs, including health care workers earlier lauded as heroes. What is the result of all this? How effective are these barbarous policies at stopping the spread? HORRIBLE! This has been a colossal failure OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. Infections HAVE NEVER BEEN HIGHER!
Similar phenomena have been observed all over the world…Gibraltar, Australia, Germany, France etc. Given these facts, and given that Bancel is at least partly responsible, he should be FLEEING WITH HIS TAIL BETWEEN HIS LEGS. Or, if lucky enough to be on T.V., ISSUING AN APOLOGY to avoid GETTING PUT ON TRIAL AT THE HAGUE. Hell, this scoundrel ought to be pilloried around town like an outlaw in a Western and then HUNG IN THE TOWN SQUARE!
Sadly, in defiance of all logic, this charlatan is being treated as a dignified oracle, his ideas parroted by business leaders and politicians. He’s invited onto major news broadcasts; he’s lauded as a hero.
All hail Saint Moderna! LITERALLY!
How else can you explain that Bancel and Bourla, the Pfizer CEO, were awarded The Edward. M. Kennedy Award for Inspired Leadership. (Bourla was further deemed CNN Business CEO Of The Year.)
Even an episode of South Park cannot do justice to the absurdity of corporate criminals bestowed with such lofty honors. Has no one at The Kennedy Institute or CNN REVIEWED THE VAERS DATA? This is the data that should be on cable news EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT. How about the vaccine injured, many of whom bravely volunteered for trials? Don’t they deserve laurels more than CAREER CRIMINALS WHO SWEEP ADVERSE EVENT DATA UNDER THE RUG? (And if you distrust the VAERS DATA, review the first 90 days of Pfizer’s data, which, if anything, suggests the VAERS numbers ARE THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.)
So when Bancel claims a fourth shot is needed, no, I don’t care. Why would I? I didn’t care about this bloviated racketeer from the start. Now more than ever though Bancel seems to have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY. Ditto for Bourla. Fauci. Wolensky. Collins. Biden. Psaki.
It’s a clown car administration! They do nothing but lie and manipulate and find clever ways TO EPICALLY FAIL. (The fake Biden set where he got his fake booster shot was endemic of an administration constitutionally incapable of legitimacy.) These elitist scrooges, these money-hungry bureaucrats, these soulless hypocrites, are, above all, ALLERGIC TO INTEGRITY. FORGET EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU. They are CONSTITUTIONALLY INCAPABLE OF DOING WHAT’S RIGHT!
The results speak for themselves. We’ve had more deaths this year from the pandemic under Biden than under Trump….and Trump NEVER HAD A SINGLE VACCINE AVAILABLE. We’ve also had the highest number of total covid deaths IN THE WORLD by a margin of more than 250,000. This isn’t even accounting for all the deaths from the vaccine, which figures like Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose estimate at a few hundred thousand minimum. All in all we are talking about a disaster far worse than Afghanistan; a disaster on a scale RARELY OBSERVED IN AMERICAN HISTORY.
So no fourth shot for me. No shots at all. If I can no longer travel, so be it. If they put me in a camp, so be it. If they execute me, like many of my Jewish brethren were executed by Nazis nearly a hundred years ago, SO BE IT.
Doesn’t matter what Bancel says. Doesn’t matter what vile machination or attempted dehumanization they try next. They’re not destroying this member of the control group.
My personal autonomy is not up for negotiation. I’m not a cattle to be tracked and prodded and employed as the state sees fit. Take your QR code and shove it.
Just a few quick injections they promise my friends in New York, and you can have a passport granting you rights you were already granted by the Constitution? Gee, thanks Führer!
Above all, unlike many of the triple-jabbed who need two masks, a face shield, vinyl gloves, Xanax, and yet still can barely leave the house, I’M AT PEACE.
I do not live in fear. Nor do I pretend any action I take will limit the spread of one of the most contagious respiratory viruses in history.
I live free. No mask. No vaxx card. No avoidance of crowds. None of that. (Thankfully, I’m in Alabama where this is still possible.) My fate is my own. I’ve had covid more than once and each time made it through just fine. Besides, if something goes wrong and I happen to die, AT LEAST IT’LL BE ON MY OWN TERMS!
If you enjoyed Shot O, you might like my humor book, “Do Not Feed The Clown. Thanks!
Great informative article Matt....always look forward to your writing and your level headed view of what is happening....that woman flying with the mask should be on every news network showing the lunacy that the MSM is causing with their propaganda.
Great read.✌️