In my last post, I suggested that the vaccine program and all its acolytes are part of the biggest cult in history. There are numerous reasons for this, some of which I described in my prior post, but I’d like to mention two more examples that highlight the mindset.
The first is this post that’s been circulating on Facebook:
I'm fully vaccinated and recently boostered .......No, I don't know "what's in it". Neither this vaccine or the ones I had as a child. Nor do I know what's in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC. I also don't know exactly what's in Advil or Tylenol - they just cure my headaches & my pains. I don't know what's in tattoo ink, or every ingredient in my soap, shampoo or deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use, or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.
There's a lot of things I don't know. I do know one thing: life is short. Very short. And I, personally, still want to do things. I want to travel and hug people without fear, and find a little feeling of life "before". Throughout my life I've been vaccinated against many diseases. Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis, pneumonia, influenza, rotavirus, tetanus, pertussis, smallpox, shingles. My parents (and I) trusted the science, and never had to suffer through or transmit any of those said diseases.
I'm vaccinated. Not to please the government. Not to make other people do it. But I don't want to:
* die from Covid-19
* clutter a hospital bed if I get sick
* not be able to hug my loved ones
* live my life in fear
Can't say it any clearer
Copied & pasted. Feel free to do the same.
First off, the fact that such a dull, ridiculous message would ever go viral demonstrates the conformist mentality today. Few actually generate an original argument, they copy and paste one that adheres to a predefined ideology. That doesn’t make you noteworthy. It makes you a sheep….and most sheep are slaughtered for profit (as many in this vaxx cult may soon be).
Do the people cutting and pasting this have any capacity for critical thinking? Or even demonstrate the minimal capacity to employ logic? Doubtful.
Let’s look a little closer. The person is saying because they don’t know what’s in KFC, they don’t need to look into what’s in the vaccine. So, for starters, this is AN ARGUMENT FOR IGNORANCE. It CHAMPIONS IGNORANCE. It further ENCOURAGES YOU THE READER TO BE IGNORANT TOO. In fact it suggests that IF YOU ARE NOT ALSO IGNORANT then SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU (talk about an Orwellian nightmare). There is also a plea to TRUST THE SCIENCE, which is perhaps THE MOST ANTI-SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT EVER MADE (one more akin to religious faith).
What it should say is: 1) Don’t eat KFC. It’s crap. 2) We have an IDEA what’s in KFC. The main ingredient is almost certainly chicken (unless it’s a pseudo-chicken product but that’s for another conversation). We also know it’s fried. So it’s not like we’re totally ignorant of what’s in it. 3) Stop putting things in your body IF YOU SUSPECT THEY MIGHT BE HARMFUL. In other words, this should be a teaching moment to be more conscious of our body, to educate ourselves and take control of our health. (This certainly beats lecturing others on HOW TO BE IGNORANT AND/OR SHAMING THEM FOR NOT SHARING IN OUR DULLARD PERSPECTIVE.) 4) Finally, instead of TRUSTING THE SCIENCE, we should THINK CRITICALLY ABOUT THE SCIENCE, QUESTION SCIENCE, DEBATE SCIENCE, and never trust ANYTHING WE ARE TOLD (this is closer to the true scientific method).
Anyway, if you cut and pasted this message thinking you were the next Einstein, news flash, you’re not helping the world or enlightening anyone but working pharma sales WITHOUT GETTING PAID. That’s right, you’re an UNPAID CORPORATE SHILL for a bunch of psychotic billionaires who don’t give a damn about you. (Try getting them to answer your calls after you’ve an adverse event. Seriously, good luck with that!) You’re also pedalling a product that doesn’t work as advertised and has the worst side effect profile of any vaccine in modern history. (One analysis even suggested there have been more adverse events from these covid vaccines than ALL OTHER VACCINES on VAERS COMBINED.)
The next batshit crazy cult situation involves the statement made by all politicans after having three shots and still getting infected.
In virutally identical terms, Sen. Warren, Sen. Booker, and Rep. Crow claimed they were INFECTED despite being TRIPLE-VAXXED. Yet what do they do? PRAISE THE VAXX in BOMBASTIC TERMS. They are “thankful,” “grateful for the protection provided,” and “beyond grateful.”
If you go to a car mechanic and he tries to fix your car THREE DIFFERENT TIMES FOR THE SAME PROBLEM, yet it still breaks down in the middle of the highway are you going to tell others you’re BEYOND GRATEFUL. Of course not. You’re going to give that mechanic a piece of your mind. Tell your friends to avoid his shop. Or at least hire a new mechanic.
Worse still, all three of them have messaging that is so in lockstep as to be terrifying. THEY SOUND HYPNOTIZED. It’s like LISTENING TO DISEMBODIED ZOMBIES. There is no soul there. No thought. They are grateful for that vaccine that got them sick WITH A POTENTIALLY LETHAL INFECTION. They are grateful for VACCINE FAILURE.
The only remote connection to logic they have is the argument it would have been worse had they not been vaccinated. But how do they know that? The rushed vaccine trials were a sham. Just look again at the BMJ whistleblower report or THE ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY DATA from Pfizer.
Besides, the antibodies produced by this vaccine are for the old wild-type virus. Omicron has more than thirty mutations around the spike protein, ten around the receptor binding domain. With all the outbreaks going on in heavily-vaxxed New York, The U.K., Vermont etc., it is clear these vaccines don’t work well against this new variant.
So if we can’t trust the trials, and from the outbreaks in heavily vaccinated areas we know these products are not working well against Omicron—HOW DOES ANYONE KNOW IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE WITHOUT THE VACCINE? HOW DO THEY EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN INFECTED? ADE is always a risk with a coronavirus vaccine—given it’s history in prior vaccine attempts for SARS, MERS etc.—and, even if that’s not taking place, the argument that the vaccines are helping is seriously in question. In fact, a recent article in And Magazine makes a convincing argument the vaccines DON’T HELP AT ALL!
The survival rate with covid is somewhere around 99.8%, depending on your age and comorbidities. With Omicron, which seems to be milder than Delta, that survival rate may be EVEN HIGHER.
So why are these buffoons expressing gratitute to a vaccine and booster after still getting infected if THEY ARE NOT BRAINWASHED AND IN A CULT?
There’s just no other reasonable explanation. It’s no different than David Koresh’s numerous wives thanking him for treating them like concubines and sexually abusing their children. No matter what he did he was the messiah!
Same logic. The vaccines are the new David Koresh. Like David THE VACCINES CAN DO NO WRONG. They are the messiah. They must be WORSHIPPED and PRAISED regardless of the facts.
Billions of people are being mandated to inject a toxic substance into their bodies that DOES NOT WORK AS ADVERTISED and may even LEAD TO THEIR DEMISE—possibly even THE DEMISE OF COUNTLESS MILLIONS through ADE (as predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche and Luc Montagnier). Yet to some this seems JUST. Or even of TREMENDOUS BENEFIT TO SOCIETY.
Wow! Global leaders have really gotten it twisted. Let’s be real: The EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES. Everyone in the cult IS GETTING PLAYED while PFIZER, MODERNA and J&J ring the cash register. These vaccines are a joke. Big Pharma is the only one who gets IMMUNITY…LEGAL IMMUNITY FROM ALL THE UNTOLD HARMS INDUCED.
Without viewing it all as a cult there’s no justification for the KFC post going viral—a post that encourages ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE—or Booker and Warren BEING GRATEFUL for three jabs of a TOXIC POISON that GOT THEM SICK WITH A POTENTIALLY LETHAL INFECTION.
Sadly, little that can be done to stop the current trajectory. You can’t reason with THE BRAINWASHED. Cult members are generally BEYOND SALVATION.
If you enjoyed Shot O, you might like my humor book, “Do Not Feed The Clown. Thanks!
Another great article Matt----the fact that Booker, Warren and all the rest say they are grateful to be vaccinated even though they got Covid shows how deeply indebted these sellouts are to their corporate masters....and not to the people they are supposed to be representing. That KFC thread was one time doctors said cigarettes were healthy. For me any time money is involved greed will make the corporate masters say and do things without an ounce of integrity. And the fools that follow (I was one of them for a long time) are the ones who will suffer. Looking forward to more insightful content from you Matt.
What is highly disturbing is the willful stupidity on display in the quoted post. And my prejudice makes me read it as if every sentence ends on a raised tone, like a question.
Normal ignorance (such as my own concerning let's say how to write code) can be handled: either learn, at least so much that you realise how little you actually know, or enough to use it in your daily life. That way, your ignorance ceases to be a liability and a also ceases to be a defining character trait.
Because the person who wrote this, is a person who only sees symbols and labels: the listing of various vaccinations shows this clearly. The smallpox vaccine is one of the most tested and used vaccines, and the technique original behind it has a history dating centuries. That's a pretty solid foundation. The flu shot is modern, and is completely unnecessary for anyone not in a high risk group. You could say that those getting it anyway are the long term control group. And the mRNA-shots aren't vaccines at all, other than in a strictly lexical sense due to the legal definition having been changed just in time for the roll-out.
And the poor dear who wrote what you quoted? (S)he seems completely unable to understand this, and even worse seems unable to understand it should it be explained.
The mechanism behind it is simple to exploit: offer social rewards - virtuous labels - for being /more/ loyal than the peer group. This will drive the entire peer group to compete in being more and more loyal, dutiful and into fulfilling whatever is deemed the Right Way. Anyone who, like me, has been part of left wing and anarchist extremist movements (in the eighties - so I was a teenager, I got better) and have managed to get out alive (literally and metaphorically) knows the process.
A says something to the tune of "We should occupy an abandoned building as a protest!"
B says "Yeah! And create a commune in it, with shelter and a soup kitchen for everyone in need!"
C says "And we must make demands that people with too large apartments share!"
D "Yeah! If we were in charge, we could solve the housing crisis! Just assign space based on need, not greed!"
E "It's not like the rich ever worked for their money anyway! They should be forced to share and share alike! At gunpoint!"
And so on - you can replace the label with virtually any one such. The jargon will change but the underlying pattern of dehumanisation of The Enemy is the same.
Right now, The Virtuous are those who compete in demanding ever more extreme measures (contrast and compare "The war on Terror" in the early naughties if you like) and The Enemy are the "unvaxxxed". In two months, it may well be that the roles are reversed, but the person you quoted will also have reversed their position, without even realising it.
This is simply the way the majority of us are wired. We must, otherwise our unnaturally large social groups cannot function. It is futile to fight it head on - it must be handled as if it were water. Led where you want it and can make use of it. No one can change how another human is wired psychologically, except that person on their own accord and of their own will.