The Secret Technique To Defeat Covid
A Terrific Way To Improve Your Odds Of Surviving Covid-19
I realize most denizens on this lonely rock encircling the sun have moved on from SARS-COV-2 to Monkeypox. It sounds more hazardous. Apocalyptic even. Plus, our media overlords are bombarding us incessantly with monkeypox fear porn in order to shock the masses into fretful submission.
Covid is still here to stay though…and, like the iPhone, there are always new models, or variants, to keep the sheep in line.
So just because a lot of what is going on seems a coordinated effort to subject us to various forms of tyranny, we probably shouldn’t sweep the dangers of covid under the rug. After all the promise of herd immunity—a promise Dr. Fauci guaranteed once vaccination rates went up—now seems like a pipe dream. Indeed, if Geert Vanden Bossche is to be believed, and he’s gotten a great deal right over the pandemic, there will be a new deadly covid variant in the next few months.
With all this in mind it seems prudent to point out that there is one technique to defeat covid no one is discussing. You will not hear about this on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or even vanguard shows like Jimmy Dore or Info Wars. This isn't even mentioned by the FLCCC, which incidentally has put out excellent protocols for fighting the highly contagious virus. (For full I-Mask protocol go here.)
Now when I say that no one is mentioning this technique I’m exaggerating ever so slightly. I'm sure it's been discussed in passing by some yogi living in in the woods before he spins himself rapidly like a dreidel. And perhaps a crazed 3AM Public Access broadcaster mentioned it before going on a two-hour rant about how aliens abducted him in the middle of a crowded Yankee game.
But this technique is certainly not getting heavy mainstream press. Why? The answers are fairly obvious. Readers of this Substack are no doubt well-aware that none of what has taken place in the past two years has been about public health. The goals are control, submission, tracking, perhaps even depopulation.
At an absolute minimum it seems safe to say that the elites do not care about us. THEY REALLY DO NOT CARE! There are many examples of this…the pushing of the toxic drug Remdesivir on hospitalized patients when clinical evidence suggested it was deadly; the suppression of the highly effective generic drug Ivermectin; the mandates for a vaccine that is neither safe nor effective; the ignoring of adverse events after they reached levels never before seen on VAERS and EUDRA; the covering up of truly horrific Pfizer data by our regulatory agencies etc.
What is to follow, though, seems equally important. After all if the goal is to save lives and a method was found that could help improve survival rates substantially you’d think it would be blasted all over the airwaves. It would also be on billboards and on the front page of every health agency website. But none of that is happening! Most people don’t even know this technique exists.
But I digress. What is this secret technique to defeat covid?
The secret technique to defeat covid AND ALL VARIANTS is to switch to a vegan diet. There is a ton of evidence to support this practice. For instance, a study in BMJ Nutrition examined the link between disease and various dietary patterns. What they found is incredible. After adjusting for cofounders those who followed a plant-based diet had a 73 percent lower chance of obtaining severe covid. Those following a pescetarian diet had a 59 percent reduction in covid severity. The study tracked 2884 health care workers from six countries with substantial exposure to COVID-19, so, to my way of thinking at least, none of this is a fluke.
There are numerous other studies that obtained similar results. For instance, a Harvard Study published in Gut September 6, 2021, examined 593,000 adults from February 2020 through September. According to Heidi Goodman, Executive Editor of Harvard Health Letter: “Scientists found that people who reported eating the most fruits, vegetables, and legumes had a 9% lower risk of getting COVID and a 41% lower risk of developing severe COVID during the study period, compared with people who reported eating the least fruits and vegetables.”
While these numbers are not as dramatic as the BMJ study, a 41% reduction in the risk of obtaining severe COVID simply by eating more fruits and vegetables is impressive.
But that’s not all. According to an article in Medical News Today, The British Journal of Nutrition recently suggested that those who obtain higher levels of micronutrients—often found in fruits and vegetables—are frequently more resilient to COVID-19. A plant-based diet further seems to help improve the gut microbiome, which reduces inflammation as reported in a 2020 Review on COVID-19 patients in India. Finally, according to Dr. Campbell, who wrote the seminal 2005 nutrition book “The China Study,” a plant-based diet can spur the immune system to produce more antibodies to the virus thereby bolstering our overall acquired immunity.
Before you pelt me with a porterhouse steak just know I do not care what you eat! That is entirely your business, not mine. I realize many freedom-loving Americans enjoy steaks, burgers, ribs, chicken, and pork chops. If you want to continue on that path…GO FOR IT!
Again, while I confess I have converted to veganism for health reasons—I’ve been one for about four months now—I am not trying to push my diet on the readers of this Substack.
I am simply reporting the facts as they appear in the medical journals A) because the public is not being adequately informed and B) so you can clearly see that if public health measures were really about optimizing your well-being than diet would be part of the picture.
Even NPR, which seems as in the tank for big pharma as they come, points out that a fourth shot is probably not necessary. As they report, the fourth shot does not seem to improve protection against infection.
To quote Michaeleen Doucleff:
So the question is: Should you get a fourth dose to beef up protection again?
A preliminary study from Israel, published last Tuesday, suggests that for the general population, the answer is likely no. A fourth shot of the same vaccine — in this case Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna — offered very little extra protection against infection compared with only three shots.
Furthermore, as Doucleff reports the third shot’s protection doesn’t last long. As she puts it, “protection against infection” drops down to 50% three months later [after the third shot].”
So let’s get this straight…you can get a third injection of a toxic MRNA genetic-modifying substance that produces spike protein throughout your body and has untold deleterious health consequences—and can possibly even kill you—for 50% protection against infection AFTER THREE MONTHS. Then you can get a FOURTH SHOT that SEEMS TO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Or, conversely, you can adopt a plant-based diet and have a 73 percent chance reduction of severe covid INDEFINITELY.
The plant-based vegan diet does not mess with your god-given immune system. It does not place you at risk of OAS or ADE. You do not need to go to your doctor and take sick days to deal with the toxins the vaccine pours into your system. You do not have to worry about dropping dead like the Brooklyn Marathon runner last week.
Why on Earth would anyone want to get a vaccine when these are the stakes? It makes zero sense. But don’t take it from me that these are the options.
Listen to Bill Gates, who says you will need to “get boosters every six months” until we get better vaccines. That’s right. If you take your marching orders from this elitist madman you’ll never stop getting vaccines….it’ll be an endless cycle…a interminable, Sysephean torture. Maybe after ten or twelve shots Pfizer will give you a free toaster. Maybe you’re heart will explode. Who knows? Who cares? Bill Gates certainly doesn’t.
The above reality seems even more startling when you recall that COVID is not all that serious a threat. Yes, some are being killed. It can also cause numerous severe long-term issues. And yet, having said that, as you can see from the mortality chart below if you are under 74 years of age your risk of death from covid is less than 1%. That is not something worth shutting down the globe and destroying our civil liberties over.
More to the point, for such a low risk is a vaccine really worth it? Think about it for a second….why do you even need a vaccine?
This is particularly the case when there are things you can do in addition to a vegan diet to lower your risk such as getting exercise, losing weight, taking Vitamin D, Zinc, and Quercetin, as well as trying cheap generic drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
So what are we doing? Why are vaccines even in the picture? None of this makes sense unless you speculate that this is all part of some coordinated effort to control the masses, profit endlessly off our suffering, and strategically depopulate the globe. Sounds absurd! But the world has become so out-of-whack that NOT expecting the worst seems the only insanity.
If you enjoyed Shot O, you might like my humor book, “Do Not Feed The Clown. Thanks!