When you walk into CVS, they should give you a straitjacket and a mouth clamp. TOTAL BONKERS DESTINATION.
Why do I say this?
Well, for starters, they function similarly to a capo in the VACCINE MAFIA. They fulfill the commands of a CRIMINAL NETWORK; they OVERTLY MANIPULATE; they regularly BEHAVE UNETHICALLY; and, most of all, they’ll go to almost any length to RING THE CASH REGISTER.
Don’t believe me. Let’s take a quick look at CVS Health’s 4th Quarter. Interestingly enough, CVS’s stock price just hit A 52 WEEK HIGH. Pretty cool, right? But what is the source of this obscene lucre?
According to CFO Shawn Guertin retail sales “led to 80% of quarterly performance.” Shawn went on to point out that “more than half of that came from COVID-19 vaccinations, which exceeded expectations, particularly in November and December, a month when sales of COVID test kits were also strong.”
It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to hone in on the key text…."MORE THAN HALF (OF PROFITS) CAME FROM COVID-19 VACCINATIONS.” What a TREMENDOUS WINDFALL! These execs are GETTING RICH!
Please remember this the next time you walk into CVS and get PITCHED A VACCINE. Remember it too when you call to speak to a pharmacist and the automated message says “for all covid-19 related questions, including vaccine availability and scheduling, and vaccination records say “covid” or press 9.” Finally, recall it when they bombard you with email pitches like the one below.
None of this is incidental. CVS is an intricate part of the VACCINE MAFIA, a criminal networking involving the regulatory health agencies, the biodefense industry, the legacy media, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and big pharma. These forces work together to PEDAL VACCINES RELENTESSLY. Any detracting vision of public health IS SQUASHED IMMEDIATELY. What is more, these bandits are truly Machiavellian since all is justifiable to them so long as EVERYONE GETS VACCINATED.
There is a helpful site called History of Vaccinations where you can review prior vaccination schedules. What you’ll notice upon landing on the site is the vaccination schedule HAS INCREASED EXPONENTIALLY.
What is the reason behind this? Are we in greater danger of strange diseases than in the past? Are there that many new threats? Or is there tremendous profitability to these vaccines for big pharma and its partners like CVS given that they have legal immunity from all harm caused?
To get an idea of the scale of the problem, let’s review the vaccination schedule for U.S. Residents born between 1971-1989:
• DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
• Polio (oral live attenuated poliovirus vaccine)
• MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
That’s it. THREE VACCINATIONS. Yes, a total of THREE VACCINATIONS were on the childhood schedule! In contrast, the CDC now recommends that infants get SIXTEEN VACCINATIONS! And that doesn’t even include the way many vaccinations HAVE MULTIPLE DOSES. Nor does it include COVID-19 shots, which may soon be COUNTLESS MORE INJECTIONS (given that many adults are on their FOURTH SHOT IN A YEAR).
While some vaccinations may be helpful, there are plenty of vaccines that are likely excessive. One example is the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. When I was growing up you got chicken pox and built your immunity from the infection. I had it. Chicken pox WAS NO BIG DEAL. Some even had chicken pox parties to GENERATE NATURAL IMMUNITY.
Yet today many colleges and institutions REQUIRE a varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. Never underestimate vaccines side effects. After all, in The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a convincing case that the risk of countless jabs, such as the Gardasil and DTP vaccines, far outweigh the benefits. Further, he points out that vaccines ARE NEVER TESTED AGAINST A PLACEBO, which prevents us from concluding THEY OFFER A NET BENEFIT.
Even if you feel these vaccines are generally helpful, it’s hard to refute the idea that THIS NATION HAS GONE VACCINE CRAZY. We’ve entered a kind of COLLECTIVE MANIA, OR CULT, with all VACCINES EXALTED and SEEMINGLY IMMUNE FROM CRITICISM.
This is likely part of why children need THIRTEEN MORE VACCINES THAN IN THE RECENT PAST. And this, too, probably helps explain how you can get all the vaccines the CDC recommends at your local CVS.
CVS might as well be a VACCINATION CLINIC. As you can see below, they offer 17 VACCINATIONS for everything from Japanese encephalitis to Zoster (shingles).
But it gets weirder. I called up CVS and YOU DO NOT NEED A SCRIPT TO OBTAIN ANY VACCINATION. You do not need a doctor’s note. Nor do you need ANY DOCUMENTATION stipulating medical necessity. They’ve had a doctor pre-certify all vaccinations they offer. YOU JUST WALK IN and START GETTING VACCINATED…AND CAN EVEN GET SEVERAL DIFFERENT VACCINES AT ONCE.
Were these vaccines tested out in various combinations? Has anyone looked into if the same immunity will be achieved if you take two or three shots simultaneously? Or have they reviewed the risk of adverse events when you combine them?
You probably remember this Fall when Dr. Fauci recommended getting your flu shot and covid shot one in each arm. At the time I thought THIS WAS INSANE. But now I see it as part of a pattern. Of course he’d say this. I’m sure they’d give you the same spiel at CVS.
It makes sense given these people ARE NOT AT ALL CONCERNED WITH PUBLIC HEALTH. This is A VACCINE MAFIA…and in the mafia all is permissable so long as the goons MAINTAIN PROFIT and CONTROL.
Given that mentality, of course they suggest GETTING TWO VACCINES AT ONCE. GET THREE. GET TWELVE. Walk down a dark alley AND SAY HELLO TO THE BARREL OF A GUN. It’s all fine so long as they KEEP HITTING THE MEGA JACKPOT.
The vaccines at CVS are administered by what they deem “Trained Immunizers.” Not a very comforting term. It’s not like we expected UNTRAINED IMMUNIZERS. Random HOBOS OFF THE STREETS DRUNK ON CHEAP RUM. Or green-haired incels who SHOW UP AND INJECT RANDOM PEOPLE FOR THE SADISTIC THRILLS.
Training with something as important as vaccination seems THE BARE MINIMUM. Another problem with the term Trained Immunizers is it’s hopelessly vague…likely on purpose. Turns out what they mean by the above is vaccines are administered by “trained pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy technicians and nurses.”
Pharmacists and nurses are certainly qualified. But the high costs almost certainly prevents most CVS locations from keeping a nurse on staff. (This is the same company that often makes you ring up your own order, SO WE KNOW THEY CUT CORNERS.)
As for the pharmacist, most of them are constantly fielding questions, filling scripts, getting insurance approved etc.
So who vaccinates you in most cases? My guess is pharmacy technicians. With all due respect to pharmacy technicians, this is not a highly skilled job. According to learn.org, to become a pharmacy technician you need “a high school diploma or its equivalent, like a GED.” Yikes!
Your TRAINED IMMUNIZER has probably NOT EVEN GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE. You also might get AN INTERN! An intern would never mess up your vaccination…PERISH THE THOUGHT! Just because they’re normally mopping floors DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CAUSE FOR CONCERN!
According to Dr. John Campbell, you need to aspirate the needle during vaccination in order reduce the chance of side effects. Aspiration involves drawing back on a syringe after a needle is inserted to see if it’s in a blood vessel. If there’s no blood in the syringe then you’re good to go. If there is blood you need to remove the needle and find a new injection site.
The point being do pharmacy technicians who only have a GED or interns know how to aspirate? Are they taking all other necessary precautions? If a side effect occurs, do they have the medical training to offer patients real help? And if the answer to any of these questions is no, then why are all these vaccinations being given AT A DRUG STORE?
There is an even bigger issue at stake. CVS consistently REFUSES TO FILL IVERMECTIN SCRIPTS. These are scripts WRITTEN BY LICENSED DOCTORS. I’ve had IVERMECTIN SCRIPTS turned down at NUMEROUS CVS LOCATIONS. It’s pretty much COMPANY POLICY to REJECT IVERMECTIN FOR COVID.
(Their argument is that Ivermectin is not FDA-Approved for these purposes. This is absurd, considering according to a Congressional Research Report between 12%-38% of prescriptions are off-label. Further, prescribing medicines like ivermectin is not only perfectly legal and medically-justified—there’s way more research in favor of it than molnupiravir and paxlovid for example—IT’S ENTIRELY IN LINE WITH THE WAY MEDICINE HAS TRADITIONALLY WORKED.)
Yet the same company that is worried about the side effects of ivermectin—one of the safest drugs on the planet—allows anyone to walk in without a script and get up to SEVENTEEN VACCINATIONS from a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE OR INTERN. THE HYPOCRISY IS ASTOUNDING!
CVS is not really concerned with public health. They PUSH VACCINES FORCEFULLY ON CUSTOMERS yet refuse to fill POTENTIALLY LIFE-SAVING MEDICINES FOR COVID IN THE MIDDLE OF A DEADLY PANDEMIC. As part of the vaccine mafia, their primary goal is to turn you into a CASH REGISTER.
STAY AWAY. Most vaccinations are unnecessary. Others are poorly tested, the risks outweighing the benefits. If you require vaccinations, OBTAIN THEM FROM A DOCTOR OR A NURSE IN A MEDICAL FACILITY.
Above all, BE SKEPTICAL. CVS is essentially a shill for A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, and, as such, willing to DESTROY PUBLIC HEALTH to BOOST QUARTERLY PROFITS.
If you enjoyed Shot O, you might like my humor book, “Do Not Feed The Clown. Thanks!
Another great article Matt.. like you said, it is insanity. And polio and typhoid were not eradicated by vaccines.. clean drinking water and better refrigeration of foods did it. All those “well what about all the other vaccines that eradicated diseases” crowd are also brainwashed shills.